Female doctor writing notes
December 2, 2022

Medicine is a demanding profession, and the pressure physicians experience continues—in many cases, negatively impacting physician wellbeing and the health care system overall. Individually, demands are not necessarily stressful, but the accumulation and compound...

DocTalks vodcast: World Aids Day
December 1, 2022

December 1 is World AIDS Day and the start of Indigenous AIDS Awareness Week in Canada.

For our latest vodcast episode, President of Doctors of BC, Dr Ramneek Dosanjh, speaks with three guests in the area of HIV/AIDS including:

Dr Julio Montaner, Killam Professor in the Faculty of...
PHP BIPOC Peer Support Initiative
November 30, 2022

BC physicians who are Black, Indigenous and people of colour (BIPOC) form a diverse population with shared and variable experiences, strengths, challenges, traumas and communities. Society’s embedded racial inequities have both subtle and overt impacts for BIPOC...

Surgical procedure
November 28, 2022

More than 80,000 patients in BC are waiting for surgery, with more added to waitlists every day. Many have already waited far longer than the federal government’s benchmark limit of 26 weeks, others have been waiting for over a year. And these long wait times are impacting surgical outcomes and...

Female physician examining young woman
November 21, 2022

In September, we asked for your input on draft policy commitments and recommendations to improve gender equity in BC’s medical profession. These included action items by Doctors of BC and external parties, and addressed concerns including work-life integration, gender-...