Electronic medical record (EMR) systems and other technology-based supports can be challenging to navigate for any doctor; whether they are new to practice or have years of experience.
Below are two resources designed to highlight essential technology services and help support doctors navigate EMR operations.
Essential technology resources
The following one-pager lists essential tools and resources offered to doctors to clarify the diverse technological supports and benefits in BC.
EMR orientation guides
The Doctors Technology Office (DTO) and the Practice Support Program (PSP) have collaborated with EMR vendors to develop orientation guides to provide step-by-step instructions for submitting encounter, attachment, and shift records. Using screenshots, the guides show how to set up the EMR and complete each step to ensure the reporting process runs smoothly.
There are currently guides available for Med Access and Well Health Oscar Pro.
More orientation guides on EMR systems from other vendors are in development and will be available soon. Find other resources and best practice guides from DTO here.