How we started

Since the early 2000s, Doctors of BC and the BC government committed to a unique partnership to improve BC’s health care system together.

Four Joint Collaborative Committees (JCCs)—Family Practice Services (FPSC), Specialist Services (SSC), Shared Care (SCC) and the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues (JSC)—were created to support this shared goal, with funds allocated to the committees from the Physician Master Agreement (PMA), an agreement negotiated between Doctors of BC and the BC government.

Collaborating for health

This approach, a first of its kind in Canada, brings together doctors, government, health authorities, patients, families, and other partners to work collaboratively for system change. All work is grounded on the principles of quality improvement (QI) methodologies of the Institute of Healthcare Improvement, and framed initially around the Triple Aim, and now shifting to the Quintuple Aim.

Distinct but aligned

Although each of the JCCs has its own distinct mandate, the committees work to align and integrate efforts to improve care regionally and provincially. They also support physicians in developing leadership skills so they can get involved to make a difference.

How far we’ve come

Today, this unique partnership continues to offer physicians the opportunity to affect real change in the system in which they work, and to provide the best possible care for their patients.

Visit the JCC website to learn more.