Advocating at many levels
Doctors of BC advocates for physicians through provincial and local negotiations, influencing health system policy and legislation, regional and local advocacy, working on a federal level with the Canadian Medical Association, and helping individual physicians navigate issues that affect their ability to provide care. Doctors of BC also advocates for health promotion and policy to influence system and population health issues. By creating strong policy positions and working on a federal level with the Canadian Medical Association, we can be consistent in our approach to addressing priorities for our members.
Doctors of BC advocates for physicians so that they can provide the highest standard of care to their patients.

Physicians play a vital role in helping to improve BC’s health care system and ensuring its sustainability. Doctors of BC advocates on behalf of members to ensure that physicians receive fair and reasonable compensation through negotiated fees and agreements.

Engaging with our members is critical to ensuring we understand where our members stand on issues of importance to them. Doctors of BC consults with members for input on how best to respond to their needs.

Health Promotion
BC’s doctors care about quality patient care, but they also care about keeping British Columbians healthy. Doctors of BC has a long history of involvement in health promotion advocacy. We actively promote education and awareness on the importance of physical activity, nutrition, environmental health, and road safety.

Digital Health
Doctors of BC’s Digital Health Strategy and Privacy team works collaboratively with health system partners and Doctors of BC teams to ensure that physician voices and perspectives are included and reflected in the provincial government’s digital health strategy – at decision making tables, in project work, and as informed users.

Doctors of BC has a proud history of producing policy on a range of topics relevant to physicians, patients, and the health care system. Policy development falls squarely within our Strategic Plan and our mission: “Working together, we support BC's doctors to be leaders in delivering and improving patient care.”