In this first episode of our new DocTalks vodcast, Doctors of BC President Dr Ramneek Dosanjh hosts a roundtable discussion that gives viewers insight into Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and high-conflict separation and divorce and what doctors and lawyers need to know to best support families experiencing it. It also speaks to the cross-sectoral allyship between doctors and lawyers to raise awareness of ACEs and how they can work together to promote the well-being of their patients and clients.


Brain science tells us that ACEs are a significant public health issue because they can cause toxic stress that impacts the immediate, long-term, and intergenerational mental and physical health of children and youth. Family justice issues often involve one or more ACE. Acting collaboratively to reduce toxic stress and support families experiencing family justice issues will mitigate the negative impact and promote family well-being. 

In this episode Dr Dosanjh speaks to guests, Dr Linda Uyeda, a family doctor, Lisa Hamilton QC, the President of the Law Society of BC, and Jane Morley, QC, from Access to Justice BC.
Watch the episode here.

As part of this project, Doctors of BC, the Law Society of BC, and Access to Justice BC, co-hosted two online events. These took place on May 18 and June 14 on the topic of ‘working together for families’ – a collaborative approach to serving families experiencing toxic stress as a result of high-conflict separation and divorce.

Furthermore, on June 7th, Access to Justice BC announced the launch of the Transform the Family Justice System Collaborative. The Collaborative will align and coordinate efforts, across and beyond the justice sector, to reduce toxic stress and support families experiencing family justice issues. 

Doctors of BC and the Law Society of BC are joining this effort as they explore opportunities for intersectoral allyship between BC’s doctors and lawyers. Dr Ramneek Dosanjh, the President of Doctors of BC, spoke at the announcement. Additional speakers included the Honourable Robert Bauman, Chief Justice of BC and Chair of Access to Justice BC, Lisa Hamilton QC, President of the Law Society of BC, and the Honourable David Eby, Attorney General, among others. 

Read more about the announcement in the Richmond News.
