Doctors of BC is seeking physician input on actions and solutions to address the primary care challenges that impact all of us – family doctors, specialists, and all our patients. 

This is part of our commitment to listen, understand your needs, and ensure your voices are heard in the development of short, medium, and long-term solutions. Your feedback will form the foundation for tangible, concrete actions that we will bring forward in our meetings with government.

Now open: Have Your Say online engagement platform

Physicians are now invited to provide written input and partake in open dialogue with each other through our Have your Say online community engagement platform. 

Click here to access the platform and share your input. 

Discussion topics and background information are available on the platform, which will be open from June 20 - July 15. If you haven’t participated in our online engagement platform before, a one-time registration will only take a few minutes. 

Register now: Virtual discussion groups

The two-hour Zoom sessions are organized by health authority, with a separate session scheduled for R2 residents and R2 graduates. If you cannot attend sessions scheduled for your region, or the resident's group, feel free to join any other session on a date that works for you. We will send participants the questions and discussion topics in advance of these sessions.


Island Health June 22 & July 6 5:30-7:30pm
Vancouver Coastal June 23 & July 7 5:30-7:30pm
Interior Health June 27 & July 14 5:30-7:30pm
Northern Health June 28  5:30-7:30pm
Fraser Health June 29 & July 13 5:30-7:30pm
Resident session July 20 5:30-7:30pm

Future engagements

This engagement is part of a significant shift toward greater openness and transparency in the way Doctors of BC advocates for you. For more information, read our President’s Letter (login required). Information on how Doctors of BC is advocating to address challenges in primary care can be found on our Advocating for Primary Care webpage.

Questions? E-mail us at