Green initiatives
Health is at the core of what we do at Doctors of BC. When it comes to the health of our planet, we know that climate change affects us all.
In 2020, the Doctors of BC Green Team working group released an internal policy that outlined our ongoing commitment to sustainability and to reducing our carbon footprint.
Over the past four years, this policy has been the driving force in implementing positive change in our working environment. In 2021, an Energy and Water Management Review was completed to serve as a baseline for implementing energy savings.
What we've achieved
We are pleased to share a few of our completed updates that contribute to a greener future:
- Remote work: Our flexible working program allows for seamless remote meeting options, reducing the need to travel, which lowers travel emissions.
- Energy efficiency: We adjust our HVAC usage according to building occupancy, ensuring our office operations are more energy efficient.
- Office lighting: We use energy-efficient office lighting with motion sensors throughout the building: offices, common areas, washrooms and hallways.
- Waste management: Every kitchen area in the building has a series of recycling bins, including organics. Within the office, staff are hard pressed to find a garbage can, and instead we are challenged to responsibly recycle our discards.
Don’t waste electricity, don’t waste paper, don’t waste food. We can still live the way we want to live, and do it without wasting anything. - Sir Richard Attenborough
Future updates
To hold ourselves accountable, the Green Team releases quarterly reports to the entire Doctors of BC team so that everyone is apprised of these ongoing activities and updates. We will continue to do this work, so that our home is here to be enjoyed for generations to come.
For doctors and office managers interested in greening their offices, The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care has developed a Green Office Toolkit that includes practical and affordable ideas to make eco-friendly office improvements.