Explore your options to amend your plan.
Applying for coverage? Visit Insurance by Product Type to access application forms.
Ready to make a claim? See the step-by-step instructions.
Adjust your plan
Access your coverage details, plan certificates, statements, and invoices in the Insurance member area.
Change your banking details
For the following plans:
Accidental Death and Dismemberment, Critical Illness, Disability Income Protection, Life, and Professional Expense Insurance
- Visit the Insurance section in the member area to authorize or update your direct debit banking payments.
For Health and Dental (HBTF) only:
Change your beneficiary
Add or remove children, dependents, or staff
Increase coverage without evidence of insurability
If you wish to increase coverage outside the parameters below, visit Insurance by Product Type.
- INCOMEprotect™ Disability Guaranteed Insurability Benefit (GIB) Rider (form will be available from October 1–December 1 during open enrollment).
- Professional Expense Insurance Disability Guaranteed Insurability Benefit (GIB) Rider (form will be available from October 1–December 1 during open enrollment).
- How to complete GIB form.
- Life insurance Future Insurability Option (FIO) for certain age milestones other specified life events.
Terminate or reduce coverage
For the following plans:
Accidental Death and Dismemberment, Critical Illness, Disability Income Protection, Life, and Professional Expense Insurance
For Health and Dental (HBTF) only: