Lower your risk of an audit

While most physicians may go their entire careers without being subject to a billing audit, it can be a stressful, disruptive and overwhelming experience when an audit does occur. The system is sometimes inconsistent or ambiguous as you try to navigate the perplexing world of the Medical Services Plan (MSP) and the ever-changing billing rules of the Payment Schedule. One way to significantly reduce the risk of being audited is to understand the Payment Schedule, the regulations and the support available to you.

Information and support

Advisory Committees to the Medical Services Commission
Useful contacts

Billing Integrity Program (BIP):

College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia (CPSBC):

Harper Grey Lawyers:


  • Phone: 604 683-7151 or Toll-free 1 800 663-7100
  • HIBC website

The Canadian Medical Protective Association:

Physician Health Program: