Improving BC’S Health System Performance

Doctors of BC Position: Doctors of BC believes there is an opportunity to learn from physician experience with quality improvement efforts in order to build sustained, system-level improvement for health care in British Columbia. Improving BC’s health system requires commitment to a common vision, leadership by key stakeholders, alignment of performance measures, investment in required technology and human resources, and enhanced support for innovation and expansion of successful quality improvement initiatives.

Response to BC Ministry of Health Policy Paper: Information and Technology

Doctors of BC Position: In response to the Ministry of Health’s paper: Enabling Effective, Quality Population and Patient-Centred Care: A Provincial Strategy for Health Information Management and Technology, Doctors of BC carried out extensive consultation with its members. Two themes emerged from the consultation, it’s important to prioritize health information exchange and patient-centred care must come after the foundations for IM/IT are laid.

Response to BC Ministry of Health Policy Papers

Doctors of BC Position: Doctors of BC believes strongly that, to effect lasting system level change, it must be undertaken collaboratively, incrementally, through application of a continuous quality improvement approach, and supported through positive incentives. This paper, provides an overview of Doctors of BC’s response to the Ministry of Health; the response reflects extensive physician input on the Policy Papers.

Partnering with Physicians

Doctors of BC Position: To create effective partnerships with physicians, Doctors of BC encourages health organizations to provide physicians with meaningful opportunities for physicians to participate in health service and system planning, they should support physicians’ ability to advocate about quality concerns, and their medical leadership should be valued and adequately resourced.

Valuing Quality: Patient-Focused Funding in British Columbia

Doctors of BC Position: Within this paper, Doctors of BC refers to Patient-Focused Funding or PFF, which is any method of compensating providers (e.g., individual providers, hospitals) that uses incentives and supports to improve the appropriateness, quality, and efficiency of care for patients. To be successful, patient-focused funding models should be developed collaboratively with physicians, models should be monitored and evaluated, and they should be delivered with flexibility to respond to provider performance and evolving program goals.

A Prescription for Quality: Improving Drug Policy in BC

Doctors of BC Position: In order to manage prescription drug advertising and influence Doctors of BC supports developing guidelines for healthcare providers to manage their relationship with the pharmaceutical industry, enhancing oversight of promotional activities by drug manufacturers, and providing accurate and unbiased prescription drug information for patients.