Dr Cole Stanley
August 29, 2019

Dr Cole Stanley: helping patients with Opioid Use Disorder

When opioid overdoses and deaths reached stunning proportions in 2016 and 2017, and a public health crisis was declared, Dr Cole Stanley recognized that he and his colleagues might be able to better serve their patients with opioid use disorder
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Improving BC’S Health System Performance

Doctors of BC Position: Doctors of BC believes there is an opportunity to learn from physician experience with quality improvement efforts in order to build sustained, system-level improvement for health care in British Columbia. Improving BC’s health system requires commitment to a common vision, leadership by key stakeholders, alignment of performance measures, investment in required technology and human resources, and enhanced support for innovation and expansion of successful quality improvement initiatives.

Physician Autonomy

Doctors of BC Position: Professional autonomy of physicians is integral to the provision of patient care and to a well-functioning health care system. Principles of professional autonomy for physicians include the ability of physicians to engage in self regulation, the ability to utilize professional judgement in clinical decision making, and the ability for physicians to advocate on issues of quality, patient safety, and health system planning/improvement. Doctors of BC encourages partners in health care delivery to recognize, support, and protect these fundamental principles.