Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs

Doctors of BC Position: Doctors of BC supports the prohibition on direct-to-consumer advertising for prescription drugs as important to maintain and enforce in Canada. Doctors of BC supports the collaboration of government, health care providers, patient groups and drug manufactures to develop and provide accurate, unbiased prescription drug information to patients.

PharmaCare Expenditures

Doctors of BC Position: Prescription drugs are the fastest growing component of Canadian health care expenditures, including BC. As a result, Doctors of BC supports containing the cost of prescription drug expenditures through several actions including involving physicians in policy and decision-making, negotiating directly with pharmaceutical wholesalers, and improving physician education on efficacy and cost of prescription medication.

A Prescription for Quality: Improving Drug Policy in BC

Doctors of BC Position: In order to manage prescription drug advertising and influence Doctors of BC supports developing guidelines for healthcare providers to manage their relationship with the pharmaceutical industry, enhancing oversight of promotional activities by drug manufacturers, and providing accurate and unbiased prescription drug information for patients.