Doctor on the phone
May 18, 2022

Statement from Doctors of BC President Dr Ramneek Dosanjh and Board Chair Dr Adam Thompson

Doctors of BC is committed to addressing the challenges in our primary care system. Almost one million British Columbians do not have a family doctor. It is critical that steps are taken to...

May 18, 2022

A new season of DocTalks: A Doctors of BC Production, is here.

This season, we are changing it up. In addition to our audio podcast episodes (which focus on practical, need-to-know information for doctors about running a business), our president, Dr Ramneek Dosanjh, will be hosting...

May 17, 2022

For the ultimate benefit of BC families who are experiencing toxic stress from high-conflict parental separation and divorce, doctors and lawyers have joined forces and are offering two online sessions to support families and find solutions. With an overarching theme of ‘working together for...

Agreements & Contracts
May 16, 2022

Doctors of BC is strongly advocating on behalf of the profession and patients to address the crisis in primary care that is impacting both family doctors and specialists. As noted in our President and Board Chair’s Letter (login required), Doctors of BC’s board committed to greater...

Doctor seeing senior patient at clinic
May 11, 2022

On May 10, 2022, BC’s Health Minister Adrian Dix made the following comments in the legislature:

“I really emphasize family doctors and nurse practitioners because I think nurse practitioners…. I'm not saying they can provide better primary care, but for many people, they do. Their...