Human Safety Optimization webinar
August 4, 2022

To continue to support members in addressing challenges they might face around physical violence, data breaches, and abuse on social media, Business Pathways will be hosting another webinar on Human Safety Optimization in August.

Friday, August 19, 2022 from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – Register...
Physician working on tablet
July 14, 2022

In early April, more than 2250 members took the time to share their thoughts and inform the future of electronic medical Records (EMRs) in BC through and EMR survey.

Specialist and family physicians from across the province shared a diversity of perspectives, and overall feedback...

The Future of Primary Care
July 11, 2022

Doctors of BC thanks the physicians who have participated in the engagement on primary care. Your commitment, passion, and clarity in presenting your proposed solutions are inspiring, and your feedback will be used to help us develop tangible, concrete solutions in our discussions with...

July 11, 2022

The Council of the Federation, the association of Canada's premiers, is meeting in Victoria, BC on July 11-12 where a top priority is to advocate for increased federal health care funding. 

The Doctors of BC message to Prime Minister Justin...

Physician Wellness Network
June 28, 2022

A new network spearheaded by the Physician Health Program (PHP) aims to connect organizations that are leaders in physician wellness, as well as providers of non-profit support or wellness services for physicians and medical learners.

Introducing the Physician Wellness Network
