Our bi-annual Benchmark Member Engagement Survey is a key piece in our commitment to better understand members’ needs and what’s important to you. The feedback we receive helps shape how we can best engage with members and improve our services to you going forward.
This year’s survey results show that even in the midst of a challenging and unprecedented year, the level of engagement between Doctors of BC and our members improved for both Family Physicians and Specialists. Most respondents told us they feel positive about Doctors of BC and the way we represent them, and believe we do a good job of communicating with them and keeping them well-informed. There is also room for improvement – members said we can do better in terms of how we listen to them and respond to their needs.
While some of the challenges identified are similar to those noted in the last survey, such as being better at listening and responding to your needs, and in which work to address this is ongoing, others are pre-existing challenges amplified or exacerbated by the pandemic. And a new area of opportunity lies in our continued work to make Doctors of BC equitable, diverse, and inclusive.
Read the full What We Heard Report.