Coming back after more than a year away due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this September Walk with your Doc returned with enthusiasm. From Nelson to the Sunshine Coast, from White Rock to Kaslo, hundreds of doctors, medical office assistants, and physiotherapists joined thousands of British Columbians who all took steps towards better health. A week-long event that takes place each year in communities throughout the province, doctors organize a walk with their patients and talk about the health benefits of keeping active – and walking is one of the best and easiest ways to do that.


Watch this short video with doctors as they passionately talk about the value of Walk with your Doc and why they take part.

"For me it’s the feel-good event of the year. It’s giving back to the community that I love and grew up," in says Dr Davidicus Wong, family doctor, Burnaby, BC


Many of BC’s Divisions of Family Practice support their local doctors in organizing a walk in their communities. As well, the Physiotherapy Association of BC champions Walk with your Doc each year with warm-ups and stretches run by their members, ahead of the doctor led walks.

Funded by Doctors of BC, Walk with your Doc is facilitated by the Council on Health Promotion (COHP), as part of our commitment to improving the health of British Columbians. COHP’s advocacy work, policy papers, and public campaigns such as WWYD focus on community health, health promotion, and quality of health care.

Connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram and tell us how you plan to continue moving for life. For more information about Walk with your Doc, contact us at or visit Walk with your Doc.

We look forward to connecting with everyone at next year’s Walk with your Doc events.