Submission to WorkSafeBC’s consultation on proposed amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation

Doctors of BC recently provided feedback on WorkSafeBC’s proposed amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation. We support all efforts to improve safety in the workplace so long as such efforts are implemented in an effective manner that reduces workplace violence and harassment while also avoids adding to already existing physician burdens.

Distracted Walking
September 25, 2019

Staying Safe for School

Fall is a season of change, from the crisp golden leaves on the street to the distinctive chill in the air. Aside from the natural transformations this season brings, back-to-school time also means British Columbia’s roadways become much busier.

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Promoting Psychological Safety for Physicians

Doctors of BC Position: Psychological challenges continue to be prevalent for physicians and other healthcare providers. To improve psychological safety, Doctors of BC believes physician advocacy should be supported, physicians should have access to leadership training activities, provider experience should be considered a key performance metric of the health system, and health authorities should develop fair dispute resolution systems for physicians to access.

Preventing Violence in Healthcare

Doctors of BC Position: Physical safety is important in developing safe and happy workplaces with high performing teams. To better prevent violence against physicians, Doctors of BC recommends including physicians in workplace violence prevention planning and evaluation, and they should have access to violence prevention training/education.