Physician Assistant

Doctors of BC Position: Doctors of BC supports the establishment and deployment of physician assistants (PAs) in British Columbia. PAs can perform a supplementary role in which physicians delegate tasks to improve the efficiency of care provided and/or a complementary role in primary care teams. Doctors of BC recommends that PAs be recognized by the provincial government as a regulated profession, PAs have access to adequate liability coverage and the provincial government explore stable funding options for PAs.

Physician Assistants

Doctors of BC Position: Doctors of BC supports the establishment and deployment of physician assistants (PAs) in British Columbia. Doctors of BC recommends that PAs be recognized by the provincial government as a regulated profession, with regulatory oversight by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia. Additionally accessible, affordable, and adequate liability coverage should be made available to and required of all PAs and the provincial government explore stable funding options for PAs.