Physician Assistant

Doctors of BC Position: Doctors of BC supports the establishment and deployment of physician assistants (PAs) in British Columbia. PAs can perform a supplementary role in which physicians delegate tasks to improve the efficiency of care provided and/or a complementary role in primary care teams. Doctors of BC recommends that PAs be recognized by the provincial government as a regulated profession, PAs have access to adequate liability coverage and the provincial government explore stable funding options for PAs.

Signing Authority on Nutritional Supplement Programs

Doctors of BC Position: Doctors of BC supports the expansion of signing authority for Registered Dietitians on the following Nutritional Supplements Programs: short-term nutritional supplements, monthly nutritional supplements, and existing diet supplement programs, including the high-protein diet supplement program.

Physician Assistants

Doctors of BC Position: Doctors of BC supports the establishment and deployment of physician assistants (PAs) in British Columbia. Doctors of BC recommends that PAs be recognized by the provincial government as a regulated profession, with regulatory oversight by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia. Additionally accessible, affordable, and adequate liability coverage should be made available to and required of all PAs and the provincial government explore stable funding options for PAs.

Nurse Practitioners

Doctors of BC Position: Doctors of BC supports building a collaborative relationship with nurse practitioners (NPs) as part of a multidisciplinary approach to the provision of health care in BC. Maximizing the role of allied health professionals, including nurse practitioners, in the health system requires clear evidence-based processes for scope of practice changes that allows for stakeholder input and that respects well-defined titles such as “physician” or “doctor”.

Working Together: An Exploration of Professional Relationships in Medicine

Doctors of BC Position: Doctors of BC believes that professionalism and effective relationships in healthcare can be enhanced in healthcare provider organizations by clearly defining scope of practice and expected roles, and by health authorities and government working to promote and support collaborative relationships with physicians and other healthcare providers.

Multidisciplinary Primary Care

Doctors of BC Position: Multidisciplinary primary care is an important component of a broader primary care approach designed to meet the challenges of the increasing prevalence of chronic disease, the growing needs of an aging population, and the ongoing concerns of patient access to primary care. To enhance multidisciplinary primary care in BC, Doctors of BC supports setting standards to guarantee patient safety and quality of care, funding to incorporate allied health providers, and physicians should have the option to operate in these teams as the clinical team leader.

Scope of Practice for Allied Health Professionals

Doctors of BC Position: Doctors of BC supports efforts to maximize the use of all members of the healthcare team from within their training and expertise. Scope of practice changes for allied health professionals should be substantiated by evidence of training and demonstrated expertise, ethical and appropriate, consistent with the best available scientific evidence, and should protect patient safety and quality of care.

Working Together: Enhancing Multidisciplinary Primary Care In BC

Doctors of BC Position: Doctors of BC believes that by working collaboratively, physicians, allied health professionals, and the government can develop practical, effective policies for Multidisciplinary Care (MDC) practice and improve health care for British Columbians.