Friends laughing in a park
July 16, 2021

I’m writing this blog from my parents’ home in Alberta where – now that recreational travel is permitted – I am taking much needed time to recharge. As a doctor, I couldn’t help but observe the profound changes around me as this province, and eventually our whole country, emerge from the COVID-...

July 9, 2021

BC has entered phase 3 of the Restart Plan, which means some restrictions have eased for the public when it comes to wearing masks. However, there are no changes for doctors’ offices.   

Family doctors, specialists, staff, patients and visitors to community practices must continue to wear...

PPE Portraits
May 10, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has limited our social connections, as we live with restrictions designed to keep each other safe. In BC’s hospitals and clinics, this lack of connection is felt by doctors and other healthcare workers, who have to don and doff comprehensive PPE on a constant basis. The...

April 8, 2021

BC is feeling the force of two COVID-19 variants of concern, B117 first detected in Britain and P1 first detected in Brazil. These two variants are more contagious than the initial COVID-19 virus identified at the start of the pandemic. One year ago, mostly seniors were being adversely affected...

CEV attestation form
April 1, 2021

Doctors can now access the CEV attestation form on the Doctors of BC web site. 
They can also view the letter from Dr Bonnie Henry that is being sent to 200,000
CEV patients around the province. Both documents are password protected.

Filling out the form
