Thousands of doctors and other health care providers across BC are an important point of contact for patients who need medical help to manage their alcohol use, which studies show has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure providers have the tools they need, the BC Centre for Substance Use and Doctors of BC are partnering to deliver a new virtual training series aimed at increasing knowledge, skills and competencies in managing alcohol use disorder. 
BC%20ECHOThe BC ECHO on Substance Use – Alcohol Use Disorder connects health care providers through a community of practice to 
  • Screen, assess and treat patients along the continuum of alcohol use.
  • Support linkages into psychosocial supports and recovery services, and
  • Link patients with the services that best suits their needs.
Funding support was provided to the program by the General Practice Services Committee (GPSC), a partnership of Doctors of BC and the BC Ministry of Health. 
More information about the program can be found in the news release.
Registration and information on upcoming sessions can be found here