We all deserve respect: Downloadable sign for doctors’ offices now available
Doctors of BC, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia, the Physician Health Program, and the Canadian Medical Protective Association are united in their concern for the safety of BC doctors and their staff, especially during th
Physician burdens in light of COVID-19: Have your say
Doctors of BC is committed to understanding the diverse needs of our members across British Columbia.
Coping with anxiety as we return to a more normal life
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, a significant percentage of the population has experienced feelings of anxiety and depression.
COVID-19 vaccines and pregnancy: What you should know
Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is a simple step you can take to protect yourself and others around you from the virus, and help BC return to a more normal way of life.
Let us walk together
The past 18 months have been traumatizing for our profession, and it’s got me worried.
Updated: Answering your questions on mandatory vaccination and vaccine cards
BC doctors have reached out to us to
Doctors of BC supports provincial government actions, calls for mandatory vaccination in health care settings
Doctors of BC applauds the provincial government for its announcement of progressive measures to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 in the province, including the reinstatement of the
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young adults
Nearly one in five British Columbians age 18-30 make up a significant cohort of individuals who, during the pandemic, made sacrifices to protect vulnerable populations, worked frontline jobs that benefitted the rest of us, yet were frequently accu
The Road Ahead
I’m writing this blog from my parents’ home in Alberta where – now that recreational travel is permitted – I am taking much needed time to recharge.