Medical students, residents and doctors who are members of Canadian Medical Association (CMA) are encouraged to vote for the organization’s next president-elect who will be from BC. Voting started March 1 and will continue until March 15. Results will be shared March 18.
Why this is important
The next president-elect will serve as president of CMA in 2023-24. The presidency is rotated through all the provinces, so it will be more than a decade before BC has another opportunity to elect physician to represent the profession on the national stage.
Who is running
The candidates and their campaign statements are now posted on the CMA’s website, and are (in alphabetical order):
- Dr Evan Tlesla II Adams
- Dr William J Cunningham
- Dr Sanjiv Karamchand Gandhi
- Dr Jason Kur
- Dr Kathleen Ross
- Dr Caroline Y Wang
Check out the BCMJ special election publication Meet the candidates
How the voting works
On March 1, all BC CMA members in good standing, including medical students, residents and physicians, should have received an email from the CMA inviting you to cast your vote. Voting is being conducted electronically by preferential ranked choice ballot, meaning you will be asked to rank the candidates in order of preference.
If you did not receive your voting information, please contact the CMA directly at