Committees with current vacancies
Closing date for all committees is 11:59 PM (PST) on Tuesday, April 15, 2025.
1. Alternative Payment Physicians Issues Committee (second call)
Doctors of BC is seeking one Sessionally Contracted Specialist member to be appointed to the Alternative Payment Physicians Issues Committee (APPIC).
The APPIC is a standing committee of the Doctors of BC that engages with Alternate Payment physicians and advises on issues affecting physicians who receive a portion of their remuneration through salaries, service contracts and/or sessions.
The APPIC provides input and recommendations on the mandate for negotiations and on the activities of joint Doctors of BC/Government Committees.
All applicants must be a member in good standing of the Doctors of BC.
2. WorkSafeBC Negotiating Committee (second call)
Doctors of BC is seeking applications to fill one member position on the WorkSafeBC Negotiating Committee. Specifically, we are looking for:
- One Specialist Physician
A Chair of the WorkSafeBC Negotiating Committee is required and will be appointed by the Doctors of BC Board of Directors. Candidates may indicate their interest in the Chair position. Members of the WorkSafeBC Negotiating Committee also participate as members of the WorkSafeBC Negotiations Coordinating Group.
The WorkSafeBC Negotiating Committee is responsible for carrying out the negotiating directives of the Doctors of BC Board with regard to the Doctors of BC – WorkSafeBC Physician Services Agreement and the Doctors of BC – WorkSafeBC Salaried Physicians’ Agreement.
All applicants must be a member in good standing of the Doctors of BC.
3. Council on Health Economics and Policy
Doctors of BC is seeking applications for two member-at-large positions to be appointed to the Council on Health Economics and Policy (CHEP). Based on the current committee composition, CHEP is seeking:
- One specialist member
- One physician member (Family Physician or Specialist)
Under the guidance and approval of the Doctors of BC Board of Directors, CHEP:
- Directs the activities of Doctors of BC concerned with the assessment and formulation of policy options relating to the economics, organization, and management of the health care system.
- Seeks consensus within the medical profession on key policy and economic issues.
- Assists Doctors of BC in creating a more effective dialogue with all levels of government so as to ensure that the voice of the profession is heard at the federal, provincial, and inter-provincial levels.
- Encourages the development of “strategic alliances” with other provincial and national bodies as appropriate or required in areas of provincial or national concern and interest.
All applicants must be a member in good standing of the Doctors of BC.
4. Council on Health Promotion
Doctors of BC is seeking two member positions to be appointed to the Council on Health Promotion (COHP).
Under the guidance and approval of the Doctors of BC Board of Directors, COHP:
- Directs the activities of Doctors of BC concerned with health promotion and illness and injury prevention.
- Fosters the development of expertise within the medical profession on topics related to community health, health promotion, and quality of health care.
- Assists the Doctors of BC in being an effective advocate on societal and policy issues affecting public health and quality of health care.
All applicants must be a member in good standing of the Doctors of BC.
5. Driver Fitness Medical Consultation Group
Doctors of BC is seeking applications for one family physician member to be appointed to the Driver Fitness Medical Consultation Group.
The committee is comprised of representatives from RoadSafetyBC and various health professions including physicians, psychologists, optometrists, occupational therapists, nurse practitioners and their respective Colleges. Doctors of BC provides both a specialist and a family physician representative to the committee.
The Driver Fitness Medical Consultation Group serves as a two-way communications channel for sharing and receiving information between RoadSafetyBC and the medical community.
All applicants must be a member in good standing of the Doctors of BC.
6. Guidelines and Protocols Advisory Committee
Doctors of BC is seeking applications for one Co-Chair to be appointed to the Guidelines and Protocols Advisory Committee.
The Guidelines and Protocols Advisory Committee is an advisory committee of the Medical Services Commission. It is comprised of an Executive and a General Committee. GPAC’s mandate is to support both the effective utilization of medical services and high quality, appropriate patient care. This is achieved through the development, publication and promotion of clinical practice guidelines and protocols.
All applicants must be a member in good standing of the Doctors of BC.
7. Joint Benefits Committee
Doctors of BC is seeking one member to be appointed to the Joint Benefits Committee.
The Joint Benefits Committee was established under the Benefits Subsidiary Agreement as of April 1, 2012. The Committee has three main objectives:
- Oversight of the Negotiated Benefit Plans:
- Allocation of any surplus of the above Benefit Plans.
- Review of the Benefit Plans.
All applicants must be a member in good standing of the Doctors of BC.
8. Regional Physician Health and Safety Working Group
Doctors of BC is seeking one Northern Health Authority member to be appointed to the Regional Physician Health and Safety Working Group.
A Memorandum of Agreement on Physical/Psychological Safety was negotiated as part of the 2022 Physician Master Agreement and outlines expanded support for the physical and psychological health and safety for physicians. This includes a working group in each health authority to engage on matters of importance regarding regional physician health and safety.
All applicants must be a member in good standing of the Doctors of BC.