Doctors of BC is committed to ensuring that physicians’ voices are considered as the Ministry of Health develops its digital health strategy. In the coming weeks and months, we will be sharing opportunities for family and specialist physicians to provide your input on the Ministry’s proposals for improved health technology.

On Wednesday, June 28, family and specialist physicians are invited to share input with the Ministry of Health/PHSA on connecting to provincial EHRs and systems, including CareConnect and Pharmanet.  

Through a 1-hour webinar (7:00am-8:00am), led by the Doctors of BC Doctor’s Technology Office, you can share input on how to best acheive:

  • Simple, secure identity management
  • Simplified user sign-on
  • Streamlined registration and enrolment

Your input will help guide the Ministry of Health’s work to reduce administrative burden and improve providers’ experience by integrating these features into clinical settings. This is part of broader provincial efforts to enable system-wide interoperability of EMRs, clinical systems, and other digital health technologies.

Informed by doctors

The session will be facilitated by physician clinical advisors who have been working closely over the past few months with the Ministry/PHSA to review and provide clinical feedback on how doctors connect to provincial systems. Regardless of your practice type, specialty, or geographic location, your point of view is valued and needed; you do not need a technology background to participate.

To register, email by June 23, 2023.

A summary of key themes that emerge from this session will be shared in a future What We Heard Report.

Our arrangement and promotion of this webinar reflects Doctors of BC’s commitment to ensure there are opportunities for physician input on proposed health technology plans in BC that are part of the Ministry’s provincial Digital Health Strategy refresh. To get involved in future engagement opportunities, contact

For information on outcomes of two similar sessions held last summer, see our What we Heard report.

Visit the Digital Health Strategy section of our website to learn more on Doctors of BC’s ongoing advocacy for digital health solutions that reflect your needs and concerns.