As digital health care tools continue to evolve, it has never been more important to ensure you and your medical staff know how to best protect personal patient data. To support physicians and teams, the Doctors Technology Office (DTO) at Doctors of BC has partnered with the University of the Fraser Valley to provide medical office assistants (MOAs) with the opportunity to learn how to protect patient information in their clinics.
The course is offered to a small group of MOAs and takes place virtually. The Doctors Technology Office is covering the cost for MOAs to attend this course.
What will you and/or your MOA learn in this course?
- What is patient privacy?
- Network Security and software
- Hardware maintenance
- Incident response
- What is Quality Improvement?
How does this course help you and your clinic?
This course will provide your MOA with knowledge, tips, and tricks to protect your patients’ information. This course also provides guidance on identifying areas for improvement in the MOA’s clinic. This will be supported by MOAscreating a capstone project and ideally facilitating this quality improvement in practice in their own clinical settings.
How to apply
If you or your MOA are interested in participating in this course, you can find out more on the UFV website.