Statement: Doctors of BC meeting with the Premier and Minister of Health
Statement from Doctors of BC President Dr Ramneek Dosanjh and Board Chair Dr Adam Thompson
Doctors of BC is committed to addressing the challenges in our primary care system.
Doctors of BC is committed to addressing the challenges in our primary care system.
With the development of a primary care network in the South Okanagan, 1100 people without a family doctor have been placed with a long term primary care provider.
Family doctors and care teams in BC can now hear from their patients about their experiences and interactions within their practices using a new tool developed by the General Practice Services Committee (GPSC), a partnership of Doctors of BC and t
Patients with mild to moderate mental health and substance use challenges in Fraser Northwest are getting more timely care and support from local clinical counsellors as a result of new
Doctors of BC congratulates all the physicians who have worked together with partners to recently announce new Primary Care Networks (PCNs) in our province.
Doctors of BC congratulates physicians from the Fraser Northwest Division of Family Practice on the announcement of new Primary Care Networks (PCNs) underway in the division’s
Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are being developed with the goals of providing greater patient access to long-term primary care and to give pro
The acronyms are a familiar sight for many physicians around the province. They stand for patient medical home and primary care networks, concepts that form the foundation of primary care renewal.