Doctors of BC congratulates physicians from the Fraser Northwest Division of Family Practice on the announcement of new Primary Care Networks (PCNs) underway in the division’s local communities. (Read the full announcement here).

Physicians have been working with local partners for months to create plans that enable everyone in the division’s communities to have both access to primary care and a long-term relationship with a primary care practice, and to create a desirable environment for family physicians to practice generalism.

Dr Paras Mehta, physician lead, Fraser Northwest Division of Family Practice said in the news release: “The primary-care network is our chance to work together to organize an often confusing primary-care system and create a more viable environment for family physicians to practise. We see primary-care networks as a means to achieve the shared goal of divisions and our partners: for everyone in the community to have access to primary care.”

We can expect to hear more about new PCNs in their communities. Currently, 22 divisions and their community partners are at various stages of gap analysis and planning in order to establish PCNs across the province.

More information on the role of physicians in primary care change can be found below:

GPSC information on primary care changes

Role of Specialists in Primary Care Networks