Improving the Lived Experience of People with Dementia

Doctors of BC Position: Dementia impacts a significant number of British Columbians and this impact is expected to increase with an aging population. Doctors of BC advocates for an increased focus on prevention, and seeks to improve the lived experience of people with dementia through educating and training, increasing one-on-one care in long-term care, and promoting a palliative approach to care.

It’s Time to Talk: Advance Care Planning In British Columbia

Doctors of BC Position: Advance care planning is a process by which a capable adult talks over their beliefs, values, and wishes for health care with their close family/friend(s) and a health care provider in advance of a time when they may be incapable of deciding for themselves.

Building Bridges: A Call for a Coordinated Dementia Strategy in British Columbia

Doctors of BC Position: Doctors of BC supports improved care for dementia patients by increasing patient and healthcare provider education, providing comprehensive care, adopting a chronic disease management approach, and by considering a palliative approach to care when appropriate.