Improving Substance Use Care and Prevention in BC - A policy paper by Doctors of BC 2024

Our 2009 policy paper, Stepping Forward: Improving Addiction Care in British Columbia, outlined Doctors of BC’s position on substance use care. While many of the calls to action in that paper still apply, the substance use landscape has shifted dramatically since 2009. Widespread access to quality care remains limited, and health outcomes for harmful substance use continue to deteriorate.

July 14, 2020

The Inequities of Epidemic Management

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed our lives, and how physicians deliver healthcare. This pandemic is an unprecedented event, but it’s important to remember that BC has other healthcare crises that are far more established.

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Stepping Out of the Shadows: Collaborating to Improve Services for Patients with Depression

Doctors of BC Position: In order to help individuals suffering from depression and addiction Doctors of BC policy supports a collaborative approach among stakeholders to provide adequate service funding, reduce barriers to treatment, develop effective physician education, expand research capacity and continue to explore innovative improvements in quality of care.