Female doctor providing virtual care
November 16, 2021

Doctors of BC has released an updated policy statement that recognizes the increasingly important role of virtual care in supporting patients. Key principles include: addressing gaps in care, facilitating collaborative provider practice models and supporting continuity of care.  


November 8, 2021

For members’ information, here are the candidates for the Doctors of BC Board and Governance Committee positions which were nominated by the membership and will be voted on by the Representative Assembly. Voting takes place from November 8, 2021 until midnight on December 9, 2021 and members...

Doctor working on a laptop
November 3, 2021

Does every consultation require a referral be submitted to MSP? How often does a referral need to be submitted?  How do you know if a no-charge referral is reasonable?  What happens if a consultant sees a patient who has not been referred? How long does a patient remain a referred case?


Surgical Patient Optimization Collaborative
October 28, 2021

More than 100 doctors and health care partners banded together to launch a new process of care for surgical patients through the Surgical Patient Optimization Collaborative (SPOC).

SPOC brings together multi-disciplinary teams to assist patients to prepare for, recover faster, and have...

Dr Josh Greggain
October 28, 2021

Dr Josh Greggain has been acclaimed as president-elect for the 2022 year in the recent Doctors of BC election.

For over 15 years, Dr Greggain has been a family physician caring for rural, Indigenous, and under-served populations. He became involved with Doctors of BC in 2020 as a member...