Voting is now open in the election for Doctors of BC President-Elect, and members are encouraged to cast their vote.
President-Elect candidate platforms
Here are the candidate’s campaign platforms in alphabetical order:
Dr Jane Bishop – campaign platform
Dr Sanjiv Gandhi – campaign platform
Dr Curtis Smecher – campaign platform
Dr Adam Thompson – campaign platform
President-Elect online forum
Members can watch a recording of the Doctors of BC hosted President-Elect forum in which all four candidates shared about their platforms, skills, and abilities, as well as answered questions from the audience.
Preferential voting
As there is more than one candidate for this position, Preferential Voting will be used to determine the successful candidate. This method of voting requires that members rank all candidates in order of preference, so that the successful candidates receive a majority of the votes.
Cast your vote
To cast your vote, eligible members received an email from ElectionBuddy on Monday, November 4, 2024, with the subject line “CAST YOUR VOTE: DOCTORS OF BC ELECTIONS 2024.” This email contains a link to the voting site and all necessary login information.
The voting period will be open for one month: November 4, 2024, until 11:59pm on December 5, 2024, and members will be notified of the results on December 6, 2024.
If you did not receive your email invitation, or cannot find it, or have technical difficulties with the voting site, please contact ElectionBuddy Support directly at
For questions pertaining to eligibility please email Doctors of BC at