Doctors of BC has been seeking feedback from physicians throughout the year to help direct our organizational priorities and develop our new strategic plan. Hearing the perspective of physicians across British Columbia is key to ensuring our work for you is relevant, useful, and makes a positive impact for the health care system and your patients.

Based in large part on feedback received from members, the board has developed new draft priorities for your input. From October 10 to October 24, members can review these priorities on our Have Your Say engagement platform. By letting us know to what degree these priorities resonate with you, you can help refine our direction for the next five years.

Please sign in or register on Doctors of BC’s member engagement site to share your thoughts any time between October 10 – October 24. The Strategic Plan is based on input from physicians across the province, and outlines key areas Doctors of BC will be expected to deliver on over the coming years.

The below draft priorities for the upcoming Strategic Plan will focus on supporting doctors as leaders in health care by:

  • Increasing the influence of the physician voice
  • Promoting physician health, wellness, and safety
  • Ensuring fair resource allocation through compensation and business supports
  • Re-envisioning the future of the profession and culture of medicine

Please take the time to participate in this engagement -- you can be part of a collaborative movement that ensures the future of Doctors of BC is underpinned by physician expertise, and by what is best for the profession and BC residents.

If you have any questions, please contact