More than 100 consultant specialists in BC have signed a letter to the BC Health Minister Adrian Dix asking government to take immediate action to address the needs of an estimated one million patients waiting to see a specialist in our province.
Doctors of BC shares their deep concerns. The crisis in health care is being felt throughout our system. Patients who wait – sometimes years – for specialist care often see their conditions worsen while being in unbearable pain. Their doctors are facing huge moral distress because they are unable to help. This situation is not acceptable. We will continue to advocate with government for our specialist physicians and their patients while supporting consulting specialists of BC and the Sections of Medicine.
We are committed to supporting all of our physician members, and it is critical that we unite as a profession to address the challenges throughout the system. We all treat the same patients, each of whom deserves access to quality and timely care, whether that is in the area of primary or specialty care.
Dr Ramneek Dosanjh,
President, Doctors of BC