Doctors of BC has launched a province-wide public relations campaign designed to start building awareness of our association and the work we do to support doctors, so they can better support patients.
Earlier this year, we undertook a public opinion survey that showed just 7% of British Columbians are familiar with Doctors of BC. This is the basis from where we are starting our campaign, to ensure that doctors and patients alike know who we are and the work we do.
The campaign includes bus and transit station ads, along with social and digital media advertisements. It positions doctors as leaders in healthcare and shows the many ways in which they care for their patients, while also showing the realities of their work. Further campaigns will be forthcoming in 2025 to continue to more publicly advocate for doctors and for issues that matter to both BC doctors and patients.
Doctors of BC’s Board provided much input into the campaign, and several family physicians and specialist physicians were interviewed to help highlight that doctors are everyday people, driven by making real, life-changing differences to their patients.
You can watch the campaign video on our YouTube channel and members can learn more in the President’s Letter.