About the database

This database contains board-approved policy materials, including policy statements, papers and resolutions.

  • Policy Statement: A 2-3 page document with a brief analysis, proposed commitments and recommendations defining Doctors of BC’s position.
  • Policy Papers: In-depth 10-20 page documents that provide background, detailed analysis, as well as Doctors of BC’s commitments and recommendations.
  • Policy Resolutions: Doctors of BC’s high level 1-2 sentence position statements on a specific topic.
  • Policy Resources: These include infographics, informational toolkits and links to community resources.

Population Health

Health Promotion & Public Health | paper

Public and Private Health Care

Funding and Compensation | statement

Valuing Quality: Patient-Focused Funding in British Columbia

Funding and Compensation | paper

Partners in Prevention: Implementing a Lifetime Prevention Plan

Health Promotion & Public Health | paper

Scope of Practice for Allied Health Professionals

Allied Health | statement

Stepping Forward: Improving Addiction Care in British Columbia

Mental Health and Substance Use | paper

Your Attention Please: Improving Access for ADHD Patients

Mental Health and Substance Use | paper

Improving Access to Acute Care Services

Access to Care | paper

PharmaCare Expenditures

pharmaceuticals_ | statement

Allocating Resources for Healthcare Needs of Children and Youth

Children and Youth | Resolution

Open Mind: Mental Health Tools and Resources

Mental Health and Substance Use | paper

Supporting Community-based Overdose Prevention Services

Mental Health and Substance Use | Resolution

Promoting Physical Activity to Patients

Health Promotion & Public Health | Resolution

Assessing the Health and Environmental Impact of Major Land Use Developments

Health Promotion & Public Health | Resolution

Identifying Risks Posed to Hospital and Community Health Staff in an Influenza Pandemic

Disaster and Health Emergency Planning | Resolution