As part of our ongoing commitment to ensure physicians are engaged in digital and virtual health planning in BC, Doctors of BC is conducting an Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Survey. Your feedback and perspectives will help to inform our strategic approach and advocacy on this key component of patient care. It will also help us to better understand your needs and priorities so we can best advocate on your behalf with government, and will be used to help shape our work with the Ministry of Health in developing a provincial EMR strategy. Hearing from a broad range of physician voices—from all practice types, geographic locations, and specialties—is vital to steering this work.
This survey builds upon past member engagement where EMR management, poor functionality, and lack of interoperability of systems were identified as significant burdens and of primary concern. Your input now will help deepen our understanding what matters most to you.
Eligible members will receive their email invitation from Doctors of BC with the subject line “Electronic Medical Records Survey: Share your input.”
The survey is open for two weeks, from Monday, April 4th until midnight on Monday, April 18 and will take about 10 minutes to complete. Our external polling firm, TWI Surveys, is conducting the survey, and as always, your answers are anonymous and confidential – Doctors of BC will not know your individual responses.
Upon completion, you can choose to enter a draw to win one of five $100 Visa gift cards. If you wish to enter the draw, you will need to provide your name and email address to TWI Surveys, but be assured that Doctors of BC will not see this information.
Further information can be found in the latest President’s Letter, if you have any questions or did not receive your email invitation please contact
We hope you will take the time to share your thoughts on the future of EMRs in BC – your opinion matters.