On Wednesday, August 31st or September 7th, physicians are invited to share input on a key component of the provincial Digital Health Strategy refresh: System interoperability (supporting a “connected health system”).

The Ministry of Health and PHSA have developed a list of clinical requirements that reflect the baseline needs physicians have advised must be met and enabled by any digital solution enlisted to support system-wide interoperability of EMRs, clinical systems, and other digital health technologies. Through a 1-hour webinar (7:00AM to 8:00AM) facilitated by the Doctors Technology Office (DTO), family and specialist physicians can review and offer thoughts on a list of clinical requirements related to:

  • e-Referrals
  • e-Consults
  • e-Orders (e.g. lab, diagnostic imaging)
  • e-Forms
  • Patient summaries
  • Document-sharing
  • Patient notifications and bookings

Prior to including this list of requirements in a Request for Proposal (RFP) they will soon post provincially, the Ministry and PHSA are seeking physician review and validation of it. (See here for details on the BC Government’s RFP process.) The webinar will be your opportunity to advise them on:

  • Which clinical requirements are critical (“must-haves”) vs. important (“nice to have”).
  • Whether anything is missing from the list of requirements.

The facilitators for these sessions are:

  • Dr. Birinder Narang
  • Dr. Sari Cooper
  • Dr. Jason Kur
  • Dr. Vijay Seethapathy

If you are unable to attend these sessions, please send any feedback to ConnectedHealthSystem@phsa.ca before September 11th. 

Informed by doctors

Extensive physician input over the past 5+ years has informed these clinical requirements. This includes feedback recently shared through Doctors of BC’s Primary Care engagement work and our Digital Health/EMR member engagements and surveys (Phases 1 and 2). Additionally, meetings with vendors (including Pathways), data from other jurisdictions, and physician input at engagement sessions with government representatives have helped to shape this list.

Your input will confirm and/or further inform the list and enable the design of solutions that can be incorporated easily and effectively into your clinical workflows.

Regardless of your practice type, specialty, or geographic location, your point of view is valued and needed and you do not need a technology background to participate.

To register, please email dtoadmin@doctorsofbc.ca by Friday, August 26.

Ongoing physician input and influence

Facilitation and promotion of this webinar reflects our commitment to ensure there are opportunities for physician input on proposed health technology plans in BC.

Doctors of BC clinical representatives will also be among the members of the RFP Evaluation Group, whose work will begin in early September. Watch for future updates on this.

For more information on Doctors of BC’s ongoing advocacy for digital health solutions that reflect your needs and concerns, visit the new Digital Health Strategy section of our website.