Support your well-being with the Physician Health Program
The Physician Health Program of BC (PHP) offers confidential support, and referral assistance for physicians, physicians-in-training and their immediate family members. We also provide wellness initiatives to promote the ongoing health of our physician community. PHP’s vision is to support a healthy, empowered physician community and be a trusted service in times of need.
Do you need help now?
Call our 24-hour helpline at 1-800-663-6729
If you are in urgent need of help, please call our 24-hour helpline operating seven days a week. You can speak with a clinical counsellor immediately before booking ongoing sessions. You can also arrange a 1:1 connection with a PHP Program Physician who will provide confidential advocacy, support, and referral to appropriate services.
Learn more about what happens when you call.
Proactively supporting and safeguarding physician well-being
PHP believes in assisting physicians to address challenges early. We support and assist physicians and physician trainees in overcoming challenges that can impact their health and well-being—from physical health, mental health and addictions, to relationship issues, workplace issues and burnout.
We also offer a variety of preventative and educational services that address professional and personal challenges, such as burnout, stress management, conflict resolution, and improving collegiality.
How can PHP support you?
- Clinical Services
Clinical services include the 24/7 confidential helpline, short-term counselling, referrals to specialized coaches, therapists, and counsellors, and support if you are concerned about a fellow physician. - Support and Learning Groups
PHP facilitates several support and learning group initiatives, from support groups specifically for BIPOC physicians, to CBT groups together with Mind Space. - Workshops
Would you like PHP to present to your physician group? A team member can present on topics such as PHP services, moral distress, supporting your colleagues, burnout, and more.