In this episode of DocTalks, we speak to Dr Aseem Grover, a rural family physician and the Site Medical Director of the Fraser Canyon Hospital in Hope, BC, who recalls his harrowing experiences and lessons learned in providing emergency care through wide-ranging wildfires and unprecedented flooding last year.
With continued heatwaves and record temperatures, it’s anticipated BC will continue to experience wildfires in parts of the province again this summer. In addition to the threats these fires present to residents and their homes, they are also a major disruption for practicing physicians. While they are personally impacted by the fires, they also need to provide care for their patients.
Dr Grover shares his experiences navigating the successes and challenges he and his team faced as they worked to provide continued care to patients in the community and beyond. Using this unique insight, he describes how doctors can proactively plan to safeguard their practice in an emergency.
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- Doctors of BC’s policy paper: Improving Collaboration in Times of Crisis: Integrating Physicians in Disaster Preparedness and Health Emergency Management
- Business Pathways: Contingency Planning Toolkit/Emergency Preparedness Resources
- Health Emergency Management BC (HEMBC)
- Divisions of Family Practice