Ensuring doctors have a physically and psychologically safe work environment is imperative for their overall well-being and their ability to provide the best care possible for patients. But as the number of incidents of violence, threats, and stressful work environments increase, both hospital and community-based physicians are finding that the supports to address them are lagging. In the last 18 months, Doctors of BC has taken significant action to support doctors facing physical and psychological safety concerns through the Physician Health and Safety Agreement (the PHS Agreement).

What is the Physician Health and Safety Agreement?

The PHS Agreement was created as part of the 2019 Physician Master Agreement to provide funding and formal structures to address gaps in areas related to physician health and safety. Through these structures, Doctors of BC staff, physicians, the Ministry of Health, and Medial Affairs and Occupational Health and Safety departments identify and discuss current occupational health and safety issues (provincial and regional), provide advice and recommendations to regional working groups, and guide health authorities on the implementation of projects and activities. 

The PHS Agreement also provides physicians with the opportunity to be included in widespread systemic change to better support physical and psychological health and safety in the workplace.

How is the PHS Agreement helping support physical and psychological health and safety?

Since it’s inception, the PHS Agreement has successfully created meaningful opportunities in every health authority to raise the awareness of administrators about physician safety issues, to influence policy and programs, and to undertake projects and efforts to improve working conditions for physicians. These projects include creating and delivering programs related to COVID-19 support, improvements in violence prevention, respectful workplace incidents, and blood and body fluid exposure support. Provincial and regional health and safety groups were also formed, and the foundation was set for SWITCH BC (Safety, Wellbeing, Innovation, Training and Collaboration in Healthcare) – a new provincial organization focused on the health, safety, and well-being of everyone working in health care in BC.

Who do I contact if I experience a safety issue?

Physicians can be supported by – and are encouraged to connect with – their local Regional Advisor and Advocate if they encounter issues of physical or psychological health and safety, or if they have been involved or impacted by a past event.

What’s happening in my region?

To learn more about the projects and activities in your region as part of the PHS Agreement, visit our Physician health and safety: PMA Memorandum of Agreement webpage.