Cleaning up your patient panel

These resources are intended to support longitudinal physicians on the Longitudinal Family Practice (LFP) Payment Model, or billing under the FFS and Alternate Payment models, and nurse practitioners to develop and submit their list of empanelled patients. There are also resources to support physicians on the LFP Payment Model use their EMR to enter LFP payment codes.

Any physician may choose to use Dr.Bill instead of their EMR at no cost. Nurse practitioners must use Dr.Bill to submit their panel. You can submit your panel using Dr.Bill.

Refer to this diagram to find out whether you can use your EMR or Dr.Bill to submit your panel. If you have any questions, please contact DTO

Refer to the information on submitting patient lists for a more detailed overview.

Resources for all longitudinal physicians and nurse practitioners

For instructions on how to update your panel within the Provincial Attachment System (PAS), please refer to this PAS guide (login to PAS required).

The resources below provide instructions on how to create your initial list of empanelled patients, and submit using bulk claiming functionality in your EMR, or third-party billing system. 

After submitting your list, it is important to keep your PAS data up to date. Please refer to the ongoing panel updates guide for workflow considerations to keep your PAS panel list accurate.


Submit your panel using Dr.Bill. Refer to this diagram to find out whether you can use your EMR or Dr.Bill to submit your panel. Any physician may choose to use Dr.Bill instead of their EMR at no cost.

  • Accuro and Wolf EMR Videos: From Alberta Doctors, to help prepare your list of empanelled patients. Navigate to the Panel Identification and Maintenance section of the EMR video libraries.