Get started with clinic security

Every physician has a role in establishing a culture of privacy and security among their clinic teams.

Protecting patient information is a complex topic, and the Doctors Technology Office (DTO) is here to help you incorporate safeguards into workflows and ensure reasonable steps have been taken to protect patient information.

Our health technology team also provides coaching and guidance to help practices put these steps into action. Use our online contact form to get connected to our health technology team or to request more information.

Access the privacy toolkit

The privacy of patient health information and the security of your clinic’s IT systems are linked. The privacy toolkit contains a comprehensive suite of resources to help physicians understand their obligations under Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and guidance for protecting patient information through the application of privacy principles.

Read our physician office IT security guide

The Physician office IT security guide provides practical steps and best practices to enhance security at the clinic level and protect against security breaches and cyberattacks. It is meant to help physicians, clinic staff, and IT support start on the path of creating a security culture within their practice and increase awareness of common safeguards for protecting patient information.

The Doctors Technology Office is an initiative of the Family Practice Services Committee (FPSC), a joint partnership of Doctors of BC and the Government of BC.

Complete the clinic security self-assessment tool

The Clinic security self-assessment tool (external link) is the first step to help private practice physicians and their teams determine actions they can take to safeguard information.

Clinic security courses

Protecting Patient Information course for MOAs

Doctors of BC’s Family Practice Services Committee has partnered with the University of the Fraser Valley to provide medical office assistants (MOAs) with the opportunity to learn how to protect patient information in their clinics.

How to apply

Course details

  • The course is offered to a small group of MOAs and will take place virtually in cohorts throughout the year.
  • Costs are covered by the Doctors Technology Office for MOAs to attend this course.
  • This course will provide your MOA with knowledge, tips, and tricks for protecting your patients’ information. It will also provide guidance on identifying areas for improvement in the MOA’s clinic.
Security in Low Doses: Safeguarding Patient Information in Private Practice

This CME accredited introductory e-Learning course supports medical professionals in gaining practical knowledge and skills in protecting patient information security in their practice.

How to apply

Course details

  • Complete online at your own pace (Self-paced)
  • No cost
  • 1-hour course