Patients and visitors to wear medical masks in health facilities, including doctors’ offices

November 6, 2020

A new BC Ministry of Health policy states patients and visitors must wear medical masks when entering and leaving health care facilities, including community physician offices, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Medical masks must also be worn by health care providers and non-clinical staff. The document is available here.

The policy responds to concerns raised by many physicians who said masks are important in the health care setting because many patients who are seeking care are vulnerable.

A note for family doctors and community specialists – Should you require additional masks as a result of the policy change, please connect with your local health authority which will provide supplies to meet the increased demand. This is an interim measure, pending the introduction of new centralized distribution system that will provide PPE at no cost to doctors’ offices for the duration of the pandemic. The system expected to become available in the near future. Information on the timeline and status of implementation is expected soon. For doctors ordering PPE supplies, a list of health authority contacts is available here

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