Significant changes will come into effect July 1 that will reduce burdens on doctors and patients when it comes to re-referrals to see a consultant. It means that, in many cases, patients will be able to continue to see their consultant or specialist for an ongoing problem without having to go back to the referring doctor (usually their family doctor) every six months for a referral. Referring doctors can make an exception to this process when they make the initial referral, and within two weeks of receiving notification of a scheduled subsequent consultation.

These changes are in response to what you’ve told us over recent years – that the existing rules are confusing and burdensome to both physicians and patients. To help physicians better understand the upcoming changes to the re-referral process, Doctors of BC is hosting three webinars which will give the fundamentals of the new process and will be followed by an interactive Q&A. The webinars take place from 5:30pm-7:00pm on June 20, 22, and 28. Registration information is available here.

A detailed summary of that will be incorporated into the General Preamble of the Payment Schedule can be found on the Consultations, Referrals, and Re-Referrals page on our website. More information is also available in our president’s letter.

Doctors of BC, BC Family Doctors and Consultant Specialists of BC and the BC government continue to work on relieving physician administrative burdens and improving access to care for patients. An Administrative Burdens Working Group has been established through the new Physician Master Agreement with government. Its first tasks will address Special Authority forms, BC Cancer forms and processes, and patient scheduling for health authority programs.

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