At Doctors of BC, understanding what matters to you is a vital part of our work and commitment to members. This understanding enables more effective advocacy on behalf of our thousands of member doctors across the province. Over a three-week period commencing June 15 on our online member engagement platform, we are asking for your feedback on a topic that affects every single one of our members—Digital Health.
Determining the focus of Doctors of BC’s Digital Health Strategy
As part of Doctors of BC’s Digital Health Strategy development process, we are aiming to collect feedback from our members regarding the Ministry of Health’s Digital Health Strategy, which will be used to advocate for key areas and processes of importance to the profession.
This online engagement is the first phase of outreach to members on digital health, and your input will help to inform the creation of a provincial digital health system that serves doctors, healthcare providers, office staff and of course, patient needs.
Digital health technologies were a growing area of importance prior to the onset of COVID-19, but the rapid adoption of virtual care to address patient needs during the pandemic highlighted an even greater demand for sharing of information and fluid connections across digital platforms, between health care providers and with patients. As doctors, your varied experiences and perspectives can help Doctors of BC create an optimal digital environment for healthcare delivery.
We need your input
Using our member engagement site, Bang The Table, we are asking for feedback on:
- Optimizing use of electronic medical records (EMRs),electronic health records (EHRs), and other digital health technologies. We know there are challenges here. We want to understand the priorities of BC’s doctors when it comes to enhancing how these systems work, and how to use them effectively in a post-pandemic environment.
How to access our member engagement platform
As in our previous engagement with members, we are using Bang the Table, and urge you to visit our engagement homepage. If you are new to the platform, it is easy to register and learn more about the engagement process. For those who have taken part in previous discussions, please use your existing login details.
We encourage you to take this opportunity to have your say, and to let us know what’s on your mind. Your feedback is crucial to ensure our work reflects the perspective of our members. By informing Doctors of BC of your views and sharing your professional experiences, we can work together to advance the goals of BC’s doctors in this important area over the next few years. Discussions on these topics will close July 6th at 11:59 pm.
Members who register and participate in this online engagement will be entered in a draw to win a free iPad or Microsoft Surface Pro.
If you have any queries about this engagement opportunity, please email: