Doctors, other health care providers and medical office assistants who received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine are being asked to register on the provincial website to ensure they are contacted with an invitation for the second dose.
Why is this happening?
Vaccination information from the health authorities, which scheduled and tracked vaccinations for health care providers, has now been downloaded to the provincial site. The provincial system will generate the second dose booking invitations, including invitations for health care workers. By registering, health care providers will be ensured the provincial registry has your contact information (phone number and email address), which will be used to generate booking invitations for the second dose.
What do I need to do to register?
If you have received your first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, visit NOW to register. Once you become eligible for your second dose of the vaccine, you will be sent an invitation to book your appointment. Follow these steps to register:
- Fill in your personal details (name, date of birth, postal code, Personal Health Number).
- Enter your email address, phone number and preferred method of notification.
- Review and confirm the information and hit submit.
If you have already registered at you do NOT need to register again. You only need to register once on this site. The system will know, based on your unique Personal Health Number, when you received your first dose. Once you are approaching your second dose interval, it will automatically generate an invitation for you to book your second dose when you are eligible.
Frequently Asked Questions
When I am registering on the provincial vaccine registry for my second dose, how will it know that I am a doctor or health care provider?
The system knows when to send out the invitation to book your second dose because it is automatically based on the date you received your first. This is the case for everyone, whether you are a health care provider or not.
The time between doses is currently 16 weeks for all British Columbians, however, this is expected to be reduced as increased supplies arrive in BC.
Once you register, the system knows the date and vaccine you received for your first dose, and will automatically send an invitation 13 weeks later so you can book your appointment for the 16th week.
Because health care providers got their vaccines earlier than most of the population, you will be contacted for your second dose earlier as well.
Once I register, why do I get a text advising me only to book an appointment for a 1st dose?
That is an automatically generated text sent to people when they register. If you have already had your first dose, disregard this. Then simply wait for the notification to come when it is time to book an appointment for your second dose.
Why as a health care provider do I not get my second dose faster than other groups?
Currently everyone is scheduled to get their second dose 16 weeks after their first dose. Government has advised that as a result of increased supplies, the time period between doses will be shortened, so you may get your vaccine faster than originally anticipated.
I am a health care provider, but haven’t booked for my vaccination. Does this mean I must now wait to get the shot along with my age cohort?
If you were not vaccinated at the time the health authorities ran clinics for health care workers, you still have priority over the age-based group.
Health care workers who need their first dose should call 1.833.838.2323 and inform staff that they are a health care worker.
They will book you an appointment as quickly as possible so that you do not have to wait for your age cohort.
Questions? Try calling the provincial vaccination call center at 1.833.838.2323
E-mail us at and we will do our best to help.