In the face of an extremely challenging year, doctors across BC continued to provide care to their patients despite the COVID-19 pandemic, other ongoing health emergencies, and extreme weather events. To help provide a snapshot of how members are feeling regarding engagement with their health authority and/or local hospital, this September members were invited to take part in our sixth annual Health Authority Engagement Survey. 

This survey is one of our most important avenues to gain member feedback on your day to day working lives, challenges, success stories, and concerns. Your responses help Doctors of BC zone in on the areas that need improvement, and maintain the positive results found in other areas.  This year we know that the ongoing pandemic has been taking its toll.

High-level outcomes are now available in our 2021 Health Authority Engagement Survey What We Heard Report – a more comprehensive report of findings will be released early in the new year.  


At a glance

  • A total of 3,301 members took part—our highest number of respondents ever. This represents 27% of our membership.
  • While last year’s survey indicated good communication and engagement levels between physicians and health authorities, this year’s feedback indicates members are less satisfied with their health authority as a place to practice medicine. 
  • Members are concerned about their health and safety in the workplace, with half of respondents indicating that they believe effective actions are not being taken to promote a healthy and safe workplace.

Doctors of BC—Advocating for you

Many of the concerns raised in this survey are areas in which Doctors of BC is already working. 

At a provincial level, Doctors of BC has advocated with the provincial government for safety zones around hospitals. We also recommend that all the health authorities incorporate these survey results in their own performance measures.

Regionally, Doctors of BC is advocating with health authorities and supporting doctors through Physician Health and Safety Groups established under the 2019 Memorandum of Agreement on Physical and Psychological Safety. Doctors of BC is also member of the newly formed Provincial Occupational Health and Safety society where we are advocating for physician safety at the provincial level – the first time physicians have been represented at this level. 

At the local level, Doctors of BC provides support to Divisions of Family Practice and MSAs to engage with and work effectively with health authorities. From improvements to Emergency Department flow and capacity in hospitals, to running physician wellness and peer support workshops, there is progress being made across the province.  

Read more stories on the SSC Facility Engagement and GPSC websites.

What’s next?

In early 2022, Doctors of BC will release a summary analysis and full detailed report providing robust responses to the survey questions and include breakdowns by facility/hospital, community/divisions, medical leadership, health authority, and other key demographics. 

Do you have a comment or question about the engagement survey? E-mail us at