Meaningful work continues to take place on our path toward a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive Association. Doctors of BC has recently updated its Equity, Diversity & Inclusion webpage to include a newly developed Vision statement, information on the recently created Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Working Group, details on our ongoing work advancing Indigenous cultural safety and humility, and much more.


A lot of thought and consideration went into the development of the Vision Statement. Recently approved by the Board, it outlines our overall aspirational commitment and vision for equity, diversity, and inclusion within our governance bodies – the Board, Representative Assembly, and committees – now and in the future. To meet this commitment, our work moving forward will be based on the following guiding principles:  

  • Equity & Fairness
  • Diversity & Representation
  • Inclusion & Belonging
  • Courage & Humility
  • Learning & Listening

Since 2019, Doctors of BC has made inroads to increase diversity in our governance bodies by taking steps to ensure all members have an equal opportunity to participate.  It began with extensive consultation among our members, which formed the basis of the Doctors of BC Diversity and Inclusion Barrier Assessment report that generated 57 recommendations – many of which have been implemented with others in the process.

This page will be continually updated with new Doctors Making a Difference stories, recommendations as they are completed, as well as additional activities in related areas, such as gender equity and physician safety as it relates to our EDI work.