Every day, doctors in BC and across Canada go above and beyond, from caring for their patients, to collaborating on building a stronger health care system. The dedication of our doctors is well-established, and only continues to be reinforced during our collective fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

On May 1, we celebrate National Physicians’ Day, the day of Dr Emily Stowe's birth, the first woman to practice medicine in Canada. In 2021, we are reminded of the work and sacrifices made by our doctors on a daily basis, as they care for British Columbians in many ways including dealing with the devastating effects of COVID-19. Our doctors are leaders in public health response, and are instrumental in keeping us safe and healthy.

Doctors of BC is proud to share stories of our members delivering innovative health care across BC, from overcoming language barriers in the ER and spearheading the launch of Hospital at Home, to providing leadership for rural family doctors and meeting the challenge of COVID-19 recovery head-on. We know the challenges you all face, and are thankful for your commitment to your patients and the profession.

This video highlights just a few of the doctors making a real difference for their patients and our province. We celebrate and thank each and every one of you for your tireless work, your commitment to each and every one of your patients, your creative ideas that benefit BC’s health care system, and your everyday tasks that benefit us all. You are doing incredible work in extraordinary times.